“I was raped for 2 hours,” says the Spanish tourist who was assaulted with his partner

Indian police have arrested 3 men accused of gang-raping a tourist couple and are looking for 4 more.

Indian police found the Spanish couple on the side of the road at around 11pm (local time, 19:30 Greek time) on Friday and appeared to have been beaten, Bidhabar Singh Kherwar told reporters. East India.

He did not release details of the crime or the names of the victims, who both told authorities their “vulvas were violated” in an incident involving seven men.

The couple, surnamed Vicente and Fernanda, told Spanish TV channel Antena 3 in a video-link interview on Saturday that the men raped Fernanda and repeatedly beat Vicente.

The couple said they could not find a hotel nearby so they camped near where they were attacked.

“They raped me one after the other while some people were watching, and they continued for about two hours,” Fernanda, who has Brazilian and Spanish citizenship, said in the interview.

Over the weekend, the couple posted a video on their joint Instagram account detailing what happened. On this account they post pictures of their motorcycle trips around the world and have almost 200,000 followers. This video is no longer available.

In a new video, Vicente and Fernanda, with facial injuries, thank their followers for their support.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry today said it is sending personnel to the area and is in touch with the authorities, while the Brazilian Foreign Ministry has tried to contact the Brazilian citizen through the Brazilian embassy in New Delhi and is ready to provide anything related. Help.

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Dumka police chief Herwar said on Saturday that one of the arrested persons had given the authorities the names of others involved. Herwar added that the forensic lab is assisting in the case.

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