Murder in Dionysos: His 26-year-old roommate arrested as a criminal – he confessed to the crime

Police officers from the Attica Security Directorate’s Crimes Against Life and Personal Liberty Department investigated the murder of a foreigner identified as being from Pakistan. On the afternoon of June 5, he was stabbed to death at his home in Dionysos, Rhodopolis.

As reported by ELAS, Her 26-year-old male roommate was arrested on a warrant and charged with first-degree murder, the victim was also his cousin as he was married to his sister. The 26-year-old was spotted at the Thessaloniki intercity bus station by a special police team of the aforementioned service, where he was preparing to flee to Bulgaria.

A forensic autopsy revealed. The victim’s death was caused by an external wound to the chest from a nison and a cutting instrument and chest and abdominal injuries.

According to the police, from the investigation carried out, a combination of forensic findings and pre-trial evidence was evaluated and used. The presence of the accused at the scene of the crime and his escape from it is certified.

Meanwhile, according to police sources, The 26-year-old, during the trial, admitted his actions leading to the crime Because the victim had bad behavior towards him. The arrested person shall be taken before the competent prosecuting officer.

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