Almeida: “Show courage and come back, it annoys me when they devalue Greek football”

AEK's coach, Matias Almeida, spoke highly of Greek football and the race for the title at the press conference after the Panathinaikos defeat, insisting that his team must respond immediately with courage and bravery.

Here's what Matias Almeida had to say in detail at the press conference after AEK's 2-1 defeat by Panathinaikos at Leoforos:

If he can build on his streak of 17 derbies without losing, react now that the streak has been snapped?

“First of all, good evening. A win or a loss doesn't change the way I think and work. This is football and these results are there. Mistakes are expensive. If we don't lose 17 more games than others, that could happen. There are ways to win, draw and lose. We lost this season. “It's the second game. I'll be sad that we lost or lose faith in my players. It's part of the system that I don't accept. Now we have to give more. All we have to do now is show the courage and bravery to show that we're not satisfied with losing. But for Olympiakos Just as we remain calm after a victory against, today we maintain the humility and calmness to recognize that we have made a mistake and that we are at war.

As for the odds for each team after tonight's results?

“The championship is even and will continue till the end. The four teams are just a few points apart. We have played some matches, won and lost one. The same happened with the other groups. It will continue like this. Like last year. Whichever team maintains its regularity will go to the end. But It's equal.”

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As for the many goals scored in any derby, even if it's accidental?

“Since the day I came to Greece, I see a lot of people trying to devalue Greek football. It is the duty of all of us to take it forward. There are great footballers, there are great coaches. We see games where you see good football. You enjoy derbies. This is progress. But the man always tries to see the side. He never settles with what he has. I got a chance in some league. I'm in the fourth country to coach. I don't know what's better or worse. There are mistakes in every game, in the Champions League, in the World Cup. Greek football is beautiful. . . . It devalues ​​good football and in many cases it annoys me.”

For AEK, who are usually in the lead, it's hard to upset them, what happened tonight?

“The reason was clear. We made two big mistakes. And against a striker like PAO and a shooter like Pagsetas… we had a chance to go 0-2 after 0-1. When I was watching the match, I felt comfortable. No. Go up and down. We can both keep and accept. Calmness was needed. If you make a mistake, the second mistake happens in 2-3 minutes. I appreciate and appreciate the calmness and willingness of my players who tried. Our picture is in the second half. The opponent went further back, changed the formation, we had It was difficult though, because the opponent defended.”

Is he enjoying the championship going point-to-point or is it soul-destroying for him?

“It will do my heart with two years and a short distance. I said it because I felt for the first thing you said. I am from a poor family and it taught me that you don't step where you eat. I will do my best while I'm here. I really want to win. I love it! I work for it. But I'm grateful for a country that gives me food to eat. A country that gives me the opportunity to learn its culture. A country where citizens respect me. I'm sad tonight, but like I always say, I'll think about the next game in half an hour. In life. There are things you can't change. You can't change this result. We'll see what's coming. Let's get to one more question. I'll ask one more when I win. One more go… I can handle tonight.”

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For the second half, PAO was not calm when defending?

“I divide the game into two parts. We started well until two mistakes in the first half. We could have scored another goal, the opposition could have scored two goals. In the second half the opposition played better. With many players in his area. We usually make crosses. If someone doesn't break the line, it's a goal. It's difficult to build. But I put myself in his place because I was also a football player: after two mistakes, if you're in a derby and you see time passing in the second half, everyone doesn't have the calmness to find free breaks. It's related to the feeling, the mentality. The same that PAO struggled to clear the grids. Considering the battle and especially the striker they have. How to win an attack. PAO has a great footballer. He's also Greek, so enjoy him. Don't punish him.”

Does he worry that AEK have lost their cool?

“We lost our composure expecting a draw. The next game could be different. The next game won't decide anything. We have many competitions to be at war with. Get well soon.”

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