An 11-year-old boy in Britain has died after a new challenge on TikTok

A new challenge emerged on social media especially on Tiktok, resulting in the death of an 11-year-old boy in Britain.

“Grooming” is the latest challenge spreading on TikTok that can even lead to death. In the case of an 11-year-old boy from the UK who had a heart attack while attending with a friend, he died instantly. “He was on a night out at a friend's house and died instantly. The boys watched the Tik Tok craze, 'gromming'. Tommy Lee suffered an immediate heart attack. The hospital did everything to revive him, but nothing worked. He is gone” said the boy's grandmother about the tragic event.

After his death, the family of the 11-year-old boy complained that major social media platforms like TikTok should do “more” to protect users and shut down such accounts to prevent the deaths of other children. “We want Tik Tok to be abolished and children under 16 should not be allowed to be on any social media. We want to help save other children's lives and raise awareness for families to keep their children safeAdded an 11-year-old grandmother.

This is not the first time that something like this has happened, as TikTok has received countless criticisms for promoting dangerous trends among teenagers. During a hearing in January, the heads of four major social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram's Mark Zuckerberg and TikTok's Xu Xu, were questioned by the US Senate Judiciary Committee about their platforms' security.

What is TikTok's new challenge “Groming”?

“Grooming” Teens inhale fumes from aerosols, acetone, and other common household products (nail polish remover), paint thinners and 'make-up' cleaning products. At the same time, they make a video of the process and its results, They are then published on social media.

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This strain can cause severe brain damage, suffocation, cardiac arrest and more with just one puff. A toxicologist explains to UPMC why the practice is so dangerous. “It is about inhaling all kinds of hydrocarbons. Materials such as metallic paints contain a certain hydrocarbon that can have an intoxicating effect on the body“, he said politely.

“Typically, it's the specific hydrocarbon that people look for in metallic paints It is a drug called toluene. “The damage varies depending on how they take it to inhale,” he added. However, its abuse can have short-term and long-term health effects, and can be dangerous.

Short-term effects include suffocation, cardiac arrest, suffocation, coma, seizures, or convulsions. “If you're not careful, especially when using a bag, you can run out of oxygen and die from suffocation. You are really putting yourself at risk. This can have truly devastating consequences” he concluded.

With information from the New York Post

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