Bartzokas on season’s funniest moment: “My relationship with Lorentzakis creates jokes” (vid)

Giorgos Bartzokas, Moses Raits and Filip Petrusev pick the best, worst and funniest moment of the season.

His coach Olympiaco He stole the show with what he said about the funniest moments of the season.

He knows a lot about what he says during a match and what he usually says “A lot of times you lose your sense of humor in tension and stress. What my partners tell me, what I say in moments of stress and tension during games, then they tell me, and I laugh at myself. Also, with Giannoulis (S.S. Laurentsakis) Our relationship is often funny, what I say to him, what he says to me.”

Accordingly, Moses Wright Chosen as a funny moment by… Alec Peters, Oh Philip Petrushev He remembers his arrival in Greece and the moment he showed three fingers “Like we do in Serbia, but they thought I signed a three-year contract.”

Oh as for the best moment George Bartzokas Chose success Munich Opposite Bayern With him, Olympiakos consider it a turning point to reach this point Right Stand by his transcript Olympics And this Petrushev in merit Final Four.

As for their worst moments? The Greek coach noted the defeat by Barcelona In Game 3 and the way it came, the American center chose to lose Panathinayakas In Ok And Petrushev He got a special mention in the 3rd game for a mistake he made in the closing stages of the game.

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