Child Death Note – His father died after being left in the car for hours

A 16-month-old boy passed away He left it in the car for hours His fatherHe forgot about it Nursery school Before he goes to work.

He forgot to drop off his child at daycare

The incident took place last Tuesday France. A statement from the public prosecutor’s office in Mulhouse said today that the father left the child in the car after leaving the child in the car in the company’s parking lot after going to work at Chaussées in Alsace instead of leaving the child at the nursery first.

In the afternoon, he got a call from his wife, who had gone to pick up the baby boy from daycare, and was told that he hadn’t even been there, that the baby had been left behind in the car that had been “boiling” all day. Out of the sun in the outdoor parking lot.

He rushed to the spot Medical ambulance With rescuers, but it was already too late. The The child died.

The father was taken to the hospital with severe shock.

According to a newspaper report Latest news from Alsace, the mercury touched 22 degrees Celsius in the region. However, in a closed car that is not parked in a shaded area, it is stressed that the temperature of the vehicle can reach 47 degrees.

The newspaper cites statistics according to which 1 in 4 couples forget that a child is in the car during a trip, even for a short time without consequences.

American psychology professor David Diamond, who has closely studied the so-called “forgotten child syndrome,” told a French newspaper that stress, lack of sleep or sudden changes in daily routine can create an illusion for parents. Actions that are performed as part of a daily routine appear to be drawn from “automatic drive,” the professor explained.

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