Split in PASOK over non-state universities: Androlakis points to party discipline, what Gianakopoulou will do

At PASOK's executive committee meeting, all will be clarified regarding MPs' position on the bill for non-state universities.

KO's meeting has been announced by PASOK's leader, who has also said he will also convene the party's political council, although when is not yet known.

As for the party's position, Nikos Androlakis made it clear that PASOK-KINAL will vote against the bill introduced in parliament, fueling the government's fire, commenting through its representative Pavlos Marinakis. “Let's have the green SYRIZA as the opposition. People with the same rhetoric and the same insulting style.».

«We will not vote for the legislation because we want a clean solution to higher education, not the commercialization that undermines it.“, Nikos Androulakis, speaking to Mega, argued that the party's legal position was to repeal Article 16 for non-state, non-profit universities.

At the same time, it is expected that a stage will be reached where the issue of party discipline will be introduced. “In this bill, as in others, Not everyone can vote as they pleaseClose associates of the PASOK president said.

Androulakis: “We agree to establish private universities with Article 16 amendment”

Split in PASOK – Gianakopoulou: I don't agree with Androlakis, I can't vote against private universities

However, it remains to be seen whether there will ultimately be MPs who vote in favor against the official tax, as Nadia Gianakopoulou has argued in Parapolitica. I agree with the bill. For me it is a matter of conscience and I cannot vote against it.

In the background, contacts are being made to convince N. Giannakopoulou, and party sources are confident that she will “come together”, while her comments are not based on PASOK's legal position, as we described above. . Additionally, they emphasize that the issue of non-state HEIs is a fundamentally political issue and in any case is not an issue of conscience (something raised by Ms Giannakopoulou) in the same way as the issue of same-sex couples. A matter of human rights.

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However, recalling that she strongly supported PASOK's position on the Marriage Equality Act, Ms.

PASOK officials said former Prime Minister Giorgos Papandreou and Deputy Speaker of Parliament Odysseas Konstantinopoulos would both vote against the bill, denying reports on the matter.

The position of PASOK was described by the head of the responsible department, Stephanos Parastatidis, who, among other things, “we are against sanctions, but we are in favor of strict regulations for the possibility of establishing non-profit universities with the simultaneous strengthening and improvement of the public university. of the operation, evaluation and overall geographical distribution of the structures of higher education in our country. Based on the new national design of integrated education map with common framework.

When he left the government, he proposed establishing not “universities” but “branches,” essentially franchised colleges, with for-profit parent companies combined with commercial funds, limited to high-need schools.

PASOK's proposal based on the “Nordic Model” is as follows:

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