Ukraine shot down a Russian Su fighter jet for the first time

Ukrainian forces shot down a Russian fighter jet for the first time The latest generation Sukhoi Su-57 At an air base inside Russia, the announcement was made on Sunday Military Intelligence Service of Kiev GUR, Satellite photos were released to confirm his success.

In its Telegram post, GUR did not specify how the Russian Su-57 fighter jet was hit or which Ukrainian military unit carried out the attack.

A well-known Russian military blogger Fighter bombing He said the strike report against the Russian Su-57 fighter jet was correct and that it was hit by a drone.

GUR said the plane was grounded at Aktubinsk Airport, 589 kilometers from Ukraine’s front lines.

“On June 7, the photos show that the Su-57 was standing still, and on June 8 there were explosion craters and characteristic fire spots near it due to fire damage,” GUR said in a note accompanying the photos.

Ukraine, which lacks Moscow’s massive missile arsenal, is focusing on developing long-range drones to strike targets deep inside Russia.

The Russian blogger Fighter Bomber It said the fighter jet was hit by shrapnel and the damage is currently being assessed to see if the aircraft can be repaired.

The blogger added that the plane was beyond repair and was the Su-57’s first combat loss.

A military correspondent for the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, Alexander Karchenko issued a message in which, without directly acknowledging the attack, he complained about the lack of hangars to protect military aircraft.

The Russian Su-57 fighter jet is a heavy-duty fighter capable of performing a variety of roles on the battlefield. Touted as a fifth-generation fighter to rival its American counterpart, it has been plagued by delays in development and an accident in 2019.

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According to its maker, serial production of the aircraft will begin in 2022.

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