Lawyer's intervention in student's death

“Light in the Tunnel” returns to Spada to continue his investigation of the 19-year-old student's thriller. He was found hanging from a cupboard handle in his room, built behind bars. Before that, on the longest full moon night of the year, a witchcraft ceremony was held.

The show's investigation into the mysterious death of Nicholas Turturekas really did Attorney's intervention It calls for further investigation to uncover the truth.

Among other things, he asks the victim's mother to submit her manuscripts, which are considered important to the investigation of the case. Symbols and mechanisms representing witchcraft rituals.

As revealed in his diary broadcasting, there is also a document written in English that “shows” a certain person. He wrote, among other things: “If they find out about us, it will be a disaster…”

The 19-year-old student's tablet and mobile phone were not searched

With this development, “Subway” is back at home, together with the mother of the unfortunate student, reliving his sad moments. He discovered new evidence that he presented to the show's camera.

A negative impression was caused by the fact that the young man's mobile phone and tablet have not been searched to this day – 20 months after his death – as EL.AS laboratories were unable to open them. As his mother said, the phone code is in the tablet case.

The mother made the submission through her lawyer, Aris Panagiotopoulos. Charge against all responsible and unknown criminals.

The father, for his part, along with his lawyer Andreas Herodoto, made a presentation in support of the charge, with a request to attach it to the case file filed by the police. At the same time, they appointed a technical consultant, Special Medical Examiner Saralambos Koutsis, who is expected to submit his report.

What will the lawyer inquire about?

In the teenage room of the 19-year-old Nicholas, who was supposed to become a place of martyrdom, but in the living room of the house where traces of a ceremony with occult symbols and pentagrams were found, answers to his death may be hidden in 2022, according to the prosecutor, July 14.

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The parents of the unfortunate student are speaking out FAILURES, DEFECTS AND DELAYS In research. They say their child was murdered and not a suicide, as police initially said.

“Someone has tampered with the data on the site…”

The father of the unfortunate Nikolas spoke on the show after the intervention of the prosecutor and the additional investigation he ordered.

“For now, I'm satisfied with the way things are going. It's a big win for my lawyer and Mrs. Nicolaoulis, which gave the prosecutor the incentive to look into the case and make new statements. I've also been subpoenaed to clarify the case. Nicholas must know who did this to him and know the house well. He says characteristically.

It bothered him Data conversion At the scene of the tragic incident.

“His cell phone, computer, fingerprints, who was inside, who opened the door, who touched the door, why didn't the medical examiner come to the scene, why didn't the area be cordoned off? The record of evidence. This change disturbs me and I wonder why protocol was not followed in this case. .”

The student's mother returns to the place where she was martyred

“For me, I would say that this development is not only positive but life-saving. It is a justification because from the first moment I have been screaming that this is a crime.” The unfortunate student's mother told Subway when she was informed of the lawyer's intervention.

“It was 12 o'clock when my other son, Vassilis, picked me up to tell me that Nicholas didn't open the house and he wasn't answering my knocks. I was at my job in Artemisa. I asked my son if his car was outside and he said yes. I made eighteen calls to his cell phone. I also called the landline. No one answered. I was worried and thought maybe something had happened to him. When I got into the car, on the way home, I called the police. They told me to get a locksmith to open it for me. I did all this while driving. I also called the fire department and told them what was going on. . I also dialed 166 and said there is my son, he has a heart problem, if anything happens to him, I need to take him to the hospital. So I took everything until I arrived.”

The mother of the martyred student again...

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“The police and firemen were waiting in the garden…”

Nicola's mother mentioned other details on the show that she remembered.

“I took a hard knife and tried to push the key behind the door to open it. Failing to do so, I tried to enter through the kitchen window, but to no avail. He says characteristically.

“Around 12:30 the police arrived and waited outside the house for the locksmith. At quarter past one the locksmith came. I led him through the kitchen door and he managed to open the window. I waited outside the maisonette's main door for him to open so I could enter.”

Then he said this He ran upstairs Her children's rooms. “I looked in the bathroom but no one was there. I went to open the door but it was locked. I knocked and no one answered. I shouted to the locksmith to open it but he delayed so I kicked the door open.

What is mom saying now?

On the other hand, the mother relives the scene she saw in her child's room.

As he mentions, The window and curtain of his room were half openBecause she was not used to doing it, it raised questions for her. “I turn my head and I see his bed is empty. As I do, I see him hanging from the closet with his hands tied behind his back.”

The apron Nicholas wore in the school's labs now hangs in the same place in the closet.

“I try in this way to bring his form to life. Perhaps I want to deceive myself into thinking that I may see him there. He was in the air when I saw him. His little feet were slightly bent, which meant that he had nothing to step on. Of course he had a few books scattered about, but they were what he was reading, His French. I couldn't step on it. I grabbed his little face, he was frozen, and I was shocked at that moment. He had a cord with four circles around his neck, and the fourth held him by the pommel. I don't remember who helped, we took him down, it was Maybe the locksmith. I hug him and fall on the bed with the baby from the weight. It's the locksmith here and I say I cut my ropes. He cuts them with a cutter and I tell him “be careful not to cut him”. As soon as the ropes are untied, I feel his pulse. At that moment an EKAV man and a policeman enter.

What the mother reveals now at the place of martyrdom…

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What Mother Says About the Signs of Satanism

The 19-year-old student's mother has also spoken about the strange signs seen in their home.

The signs show that Nicholas is not alone, but the paranormal signs that lead her to believe that something happened before the baby was found dead in the room.

“His cell phone was lying on the couch we had here and it was a problem. Unusual for this era. I take the mobile phone in my hands and at that time the police were in front and they were watching. He had set up a model that I didn't know, I pressed the button, I looked, he got a call from the boss, eighteen calls from me and five from his best friend, I think she knows something, she didn't say. A couple of things struck me that didn't fit the era. Beyond the quilt and my purple jacket. As I later discovered, purple is considered a satanic color. I was fascinated to see purple flowers and purple stones on his grave. The next morning I saw a Pentaty for the first time in our house.”

According to Nicola's mother, Items in the bathroom fell awkwardly on the floorLike someone is looking for something.

“I ruled out a suicidal situation. There was a drawer to stomp on if he wanted to. I think someone was instructing him to do something or teaching him. It was bringing him down certain paths that brought him to this point. As far as I was concerned, there was definitely another person in that room.

Mom says about the signs of satanism...

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