“Ulysses” operates and transmits data to Earth

After announcing on Tuesday (27/02) that the end of his career was near, American company Intuitive Machines He promised that on Wednesday (02/28). The Ulysses spacecraft was the first private spacecraft to reach the moonLast week, still working – for now.

“Odysseus” “Still Collects Solar Energy on Moon, Allows Flight Controllers to Receive Data from South Pole Region” Bhumi satellite, Company X said in a post on the platform.

The company said on Tuesday (27/02) that based on its analyses, the ship's batteries would only last another 10-20 hours. Her teams «“Use the extra time to analyze the new solar charge data and increase actions to help future research.” Moon, he clarified today.

The company plans to hold a press conference later today to provide more details on the mission.

The boat is powered by its solar panels. But it did not land vertically as desired, but tilted to the side, so the panels were not exposed to direct sunlight. however, The task is considered successfulBill Nelson, head of the American space agency NASA, told reporters.

Although private, the mission was largely funded by NASA, which commissioned the Intuitive Engines to carry six scientific instruments to the Moon. That contract is worth $118 million.

“We're on day six of what should be the last mission for eight. We're getting data from six of our instruments.Nelson explained.

NASA wants to explore this part of the moon before sending astronauts there, as part of the manned “Artemis” missions. This area attracts the interest of major powers because it can hide large amounts of water, in the form of ice. This water can be used to make fuel According to the Athenian and Macedonian news agency, to meet the needs of astronauts in spaceships or on the ground.

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