Agioi Anargyri: 8 fatal mistakes that led to femicide

After the brutal murder of a 28-year-old woman outside Aki Anarkiro's police station, police officers and the Ministry of Civil Defense have a series of questions to answer.

  1. When a 28-year-old woman went to the Akioi Anarkiro police station and reported to them that she was afraid of her ex-partner outside her house, why didn't the police take her to his house?
  2. Is it true that the victim filed a case of assault and rape against him in 2020?
  3. Is it true that he has shown interest in authorities in the past?
  4. Why was the young officer on duty so pragmatic and “authoritative” that he did not put himself in the shoes of the woman in front of her, but went over to help her by telling her to stay with her until the first available patrol car arrived?
  5. Did he tell her to call that immediate action so the patrol car would come faster or not?
  6. Why didn't the police officer of AT Agioi Anargyros react immediately to protect the 39-year-old when he attacked her and stabbed her to death without moving?
  7. Further, the police statement noted that the 28-year-old “did not present a summons against him while on duty and expressed his willingness to be taken to his home in a patrol car.” However, from her conversation with the immediate action operator, it appears that the 28-year-old wanted the patrol car to go outside her house, and that she was going in her boyfriend's car.
  8. Is it still true that two of the police officers working at Ajioi Anarkiro Police Station are employed by the Police Internal Affairs Department?
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The 28-year-old boyfriend, who will play a key role in the investigation into the policemen's responsibilities, will shed light on the case. As part of an investigation by the General Police Directorate of Attica, a mandated administrative examination was ordered in order to investigate the actions of the police officers accused in the case. According to the announcement of the Hellenic Socialist Party, “From 2020, a guide for handling domestic violence cases has been drawn up in collaboration with the prosecuting authorities. These codes are sent to all police agencies dealing with domestic violence cases and are constantly updated. The code forms the basis for ongoing training of the police.” In addition, “Currently, 18 operational offices for dealing with domestic violence are operating throughout the country, two of which are in Western Attica. And 45 are already being created, so that there will be one in each police directorate.

Fewer employees

Police union representatives told NEA that citizens need to feel that police departments can protect them. They said any responsibilities would arise from the EDE regarding the manner in which the incident was handled, however, although all police officers are trained to handle such incidents, the service officer may contact his commander to discuss the seriousness of the complaint or bystanders. Domestic Violence Agency.

Giorgos Kalliagmanis, head of the Association of Police Officers of South-East Attica, pointed out that: a) in any case a citizen should not be allowed to leave the service if he reports that his life is in immediate danger and b) he should be given police protection so that he can go home safely, focusing on staff shortages. “One duty officer and one mission, that's what most police departments are. There is a problem”. For his part, Leotsos, head of the Piraeus Spyridon Police Officers' Association, noted that there is a serious shortage of personnel between 40% and 50% of the police and security departments in Piraeus and in Attica in general.

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However, Civil Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis spoke to ERT yesterday, saying the ministry will conduct an in-depth investigation so that “any liability caused or any negligence, inaction, neglect is cured and punished, on the other hand we assure citizens that the greatest effort is being made.”

He said he agreed with the term femicide, but criminologists should debate whether it should be considered an independent crime.

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