Christos Kondis captures Panathinaikos


Christos Gondis
Intime news

Christos Kontis will be Fatih Terim’s successor under the technical leadership of Panathinaikos, leading the team to the crucial match with Olympiakos and the final with Aries.

In his face Christos Conti Panathinaikos have found a successor to Fatih Terim as the team’s technical captain. The 49-year-old technician sat on the bench for Volos in the previous period and contributed greatly to Magnesia’s team’s stay in the division through the playouts process.

Having been Ivan Jovanovic’s direct partner for 2.5 years until the Serbian coach’s departure last December, Kantis knows the green dressing room well. count He always has a good rapport and rapport with the players and he has a terribly tough task ahead of him, but also a very big challenge.

Finally, Fatih Terim from Panathinaikos


In the past, Kantis sat on the Olympiakos bench for 5 games as a caretaker coach in the 2017/18 season, while he was the first coach of Hatta of the United Arab Emirates from May 2019 to November 2020.

According to the information, mostly His direct partner was the former “green” Alexandros Digiolis, who was in Volos.

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