Sunak announced early elections on July 4

Tory Leader and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Britain’s snap elections for July 4th were announced shortly after 19:00 (Greece time) from Downing Street.

Rishi Sunak began by saying, in the heavy rain «After the last election the country has gone through the most difficult period since World War II».

“During this CovidThe country faced a decisive moment.” He said that he will never leave people to face the dark days alone and will do his best to provide strong protection to people.

“Above all, I came to office to restore economic stability. Financial stability is the cornerstone of future success. Whether it’s raising wages and good jobs, investing in our public services, or protecting the country.

Thanks to our collective sacrifices and your hard work, we have achieved two important milestones in achieving this stability, showing that anything is possible when we work together.

Sunak said King Charles had approved the dissolution of Parliament and an election would be held on July 4.

He questioned the British.Who do you trust?». Also added”Now is the time to decide Britain’s futureTo decide whether to “build” on what we built or take a risk and go to zero.

Rishi Sunak

Associated Press

Sunak also said that on July 5 – the day after the election – either he or Sir Keir Starmer would be prime minister. He accused his opponent of doing everything to gain power.

In the coming weeks, Sunak declared that he would fight for every vote. “I will prove to you that a Conservative government led by me will not jeopardize our economic stability».

However, it was difficult to hear Rishi Sunak clearly Labour’s pre-election anthem was heard in the street Since 1997, titled “Things Can Only Get Better”.

Starmer tweeted an election spot during Sunak’s speech, writing only the word “change”.

What do the polls show?

It was a surprise move by the government that brought an expected election showdown later in the year, confirming related rumors that circulated during the day.

According to surveys, Labor leads by around 20 pointsIt is said to be poised to take over after 14 years of conservative government.

Rumors and news have been swirling since early this morning about the possibility of an early election after government ministers canceled events and postponed foreign trips to attend government meetings.

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