Despina Stylianopoulou in hospital: announcement from her family

Despina Stylianopoulou is being treated at a private rehabilitation hospital after her condition worsened in recent days.

Notification of family

“Beginning with this humble announcement, we wish everyone a happy birthday and hope that the light of resurrection shines in all of our lives.

Following several publications about the health and removal of our beloved Aunt Despina Stylianopoulou from the public eye and from her dear friends, we would like to inform you that this is due to her poor health and many health issues. At her advanced age, we decided to stay with her in a private rehabilitation clinic for a short period of time until her health and strength allowed her to return to her former life.

We ask you to respect our decision and that of our beloved sister and aunt. Her peace and health are very important at this time. Thank you for your respect, care and love for our aunt.

Stylianopoulou & Papamarki Families”

What her daughter-in-law said

Her daughter-in-law Anna Stylianopoulou spoke on Happy Day and clarified what is happening with her beloved aunt’s health.

“Our aunt is not gone, she is going through a tough adventure with her health. Unfortunately, she has had a serious decline in the last 3-4 weeks and her family has decided to enter a private intensive care hospital so that we can deal with her issues. We are not relocating her. If so, we may have had a bad development and it is very difficult for all of us to see her like this.

Her situation is difficult and she is psychologically depressed for losing her friends. Doctors said that he is currently suffering from an infection and is being treated for it and needs to be patient. We see her every day, her nieces and nephews, she communicates with us and tells us how much she loves us. The biggest shock for my aunt was the loss of Marie Chronopoulou, it cost her a lot,” said Anna Stylianopoulou.

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