“Kabsan” for Cadet Constables – Jukla

The recession in this country at all levels is unprecedented. The victims, this time probation officers from the last batch, were prepared and contacted after a last-minute twist in the practical training program, according to the POASY (Panhellenic Federation of Police Officers) complaint, and the kids ran out of money. and without personal belongings for at least five days.

The Federation seeks the Prime Minister's intervention, stating in its official notification that:

«Agility in the Greek police! This time there are probationary constables in the crosshairs. A day before some 2,000 cadets leave schools for practical training at police departments across the country, some have recalled them to stay for an extra week of training, said to be on airport security. And the scheduled Easter holiday, 8/5/24, I ask them to present themselves at their final destination! All this, all police officers – from the top down to the last commander – knew that the practical exercise would last from April 22, 2024 to October 17, 2024.

Ignoring the fact that all the cadets had already done their planning, someone suddenly overturned the practical training plan they had prepared and shared since March, without a trace of seriousness! By booking tickets for any mode of transport, paying for accommodation in advance, sending their luggage and clothes etc. Indeed, without clearly predicting when and who will cover the lost money.

Laziness in all its glory!

Zero respect for Greek woman and Greek police officer. I believe this disgraceful behavior by cadets, students, the future of the Greek police force, to name a few, would be considered professionals.

As we all realize that their reason for continuing their training is baseless, we ask that you do not underestimate the intelligence of the cadets or anyone else.

The training required for airport employment did not happen today. Don't try to hide failure with lies. Unless the truth is different and related to lack of money (?) your apparent incompetence is for the Guinness book.

Indeed, you may ask, why so much incompetence?

Also, since you ask for a “complaint box” for bad speeches, to which “box” should we send the complaints of thousands of our young colleagues about the disorganization and decay of personality you have assigned, a few days before the holy day? Easter?

At the last minute, instead of deciding on a wrong exercise, we request you to at least provide direct route cards to their homes, compensate the money for the tickets lost due to your administrative incompetence, and above all do not burden the police family with additional expenses. Name of their education.

Mr. Prime Minister, your intervention is now essential to protect the honor and dignity of the Greek Police!»

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“Jungle” quotes a document on the further training of cadets, which was shared only yesterday, Thursday, April 18:

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