Michael Mosley’s disappearance in Simi: What worries authorities

Michael Moseley has been missing since Wednesday afternoon and an operation to find him has been launched, with no results so far. A security team from Rhodes also visited the island.

They are ongoing Inquiries by police, the Coastal Fire Brigade and volunteers to find the 67-year-old Briton and presenter of the health program on the BBC Michael MosleyWho attended? Simi His fate was unknown as of Wednesday (5/6) afternoon.

The Officials are concernedThey literally scan the place and think they will find something, however, with the same diligence, they stop investigating and even “comb” the places they have already passed, if something has not been noticed in the past. Experience shows that this also happens.

According to his wifeAgios Nikolaos were with their friends on the beach, and on Wednesday, after one o’clock in the afternoon, they decided to return to Symi by boat. He would walk towards Bedi. Of course in a rocky area and in hot conditions, he didn’t have the mobile phone they had left at their accommodation.

There is a woman’s testimony that she saw him in BediHowever, the cameras in the area checked could not cross-reference this testimony because the missing person was not recorded as passing the point indicated by the witness.

Apart from drones, helicopters and specially trained sniffer dogs, A team from Rhodes Security has also been dispatched to the island to investigate all possibilities.

He, according to his wife, He did not face any health problem nor did he show any psychological condition to justify it E.g. There does not appear to have been any apparent choice by the missing person to harm himself or a third party.

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The Any case is under investigation On island and at sea by Coast Guard.

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