Omonia: Documentary images of torture of 33-year-old man

Documentary photographs have come to light of the gruesome torture of a 33-year-old man who was stabbed, raped and tied to a bed by a 27-year-old man in a room in an abandoned building in Omonia.

The horrific scenes the unfortunate woman endured at the hands of the 27-year-old show her in the horror room, where she was locked up and tortured, leaving her with bruises all over her body. When he stabbed her in the left thigh and injured her face.

As can be seen in documentary photos released on , bruises and bleeding litter her body while she is being supported by oxygen at a thoracic surgery hospital where she is being treated.

Horrific images of 33-year-old woman being tortured at the hands of a 27-year-old woman who was held captive in an abandoned house in Omonia

See documentary photos of the 33-year-old’s torture

Why was the 27-year-old released?

The alleged perpetrator, who was arrested by police officers and identified by a 33-year-old girl, was released with restrictions.

As per the information received so far, the 33-year-old could not be detained even though the victim had verbally complained to the police that the 27-year-old assaulted her, judicial sources said. Provide a statement to identify the individual and be included in the case file.

The accused is therefore barred from leaving the country and has to appear at the police station three times a month.

If the 33-year-old gives an official statement and points to the 27-year-old as the person who tortured him, the accused will be called for an additional apology.

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According to sources in the judiciary, the evidence currently included in the case file is not considered sufficient to detain the accused.

According to them, the victim initially verbalized that she did not recognize the accused, but later recognized him by the 27-year-old’s face.

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