Parliament: Conversation between Floros and Graminos about insult – Testimony of a police officer who was at the scene

Independent MP Konstantinos Floros, who was accused of violence against a political figure, was released after an apology, notably by the Hellenic Solution's MP, Vassilis Gramenos.

Two 24 hours after the gruesome incident in Parliament, the issue remains at the fore, with eyewitness accounts of the protagonists' subsequent reactions.

Testimony of the constable who tried to separate the two vice-chancellors

The policeman who intervened to separate the two MPs (Live News – Mega) describes what he experienced and was called to face: “MP Vassilis Gramenos came out of the parliament hall and told me, 'Be independent. Spartans are superior so that we don't have others.' I asked him which Independent Member of Parliament he was referring to and before he could tell me, Mr. Flores walked out of parliament and then they started arguing.”

Specifically, the police officer said:

“-FK: What's your problem with me? Tell me.

-GB: Do us a favor and get out of here.

-FK: You curse moms, tie your hair together.

-GB: I'll do what I want, leave me alone.”

As the policeman announced, the first he saw in his field of vision was Vasilis Gramenos and a little later Konstantinos Floros, who came out of the plenary hall.

“The two MPs tried to push each other, but they couldn't because I was between them. Then Floros crossed his right arm over me and held him in a pillow-like grip at nose height, causing him to fall down,” says the policeman.

K. Floros himself said, “I grabbed him from the front. The policeman who was guarding the parliament also put his hand in between. Mr. Grammenos was sticking his body in front of me. What did you say to him? Tell it here in front of the policeman. Why tell the police officer what was said inside?” K. Floros himself said. .

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Constantinos Floros has already been suspended from his parliamentary duties for 15 days

Through his statements on Live News, Vassilis Grammenos refuted the claims of Konstantinos Floros and decided not to follow him because, as he said with his colleague, he respected where he was.

Vassilis Gramenos was hospitalized at the Air Force Hospital with a broken nose and hand injuries.

Constantinos Floros has already been suspended from his parliamentary duties for 15 days following the decision of the Speaker of the Parliament. We'll have to wait and see how he finds a way to comply with the condition that he doesn't approach Vasilis Grammenos within 50 meters when he returns.

It is noteworthy that the incident followed a lawsuit filed against him by the father of Konstantinos Floros, while the parliament was debating the immunity of the head of the Hellenic settlement, Kyriakos Velopoulos. Vin Velopoulos harassed with a hidden account on the X platform.

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