Schoolgirls sexually assaulted by stable owner while riding on school trip

The owner of a stable in Imadia area has been accused of sexually assaulting two schoolgirls who were riding horses during a school trip.

The girls, aged 15 and 14, were shocked by the rape in Imadia and informed their parents, who in turn informed the police, resulting in the arrest of the accused.

Last Tuesday morning (23.04.24) a chilling incident took place in the area of ​​Alsous Agios Nikolaos Imathia with two child victims.

According to ELAS Identity, the 59-year-old was arrested following a complaint by the principal of the high school, “At the above place and time, during the school trip of the high school, he engaged in sexual acts (injury on various parts of the body) while underage schoolgirls were riding on horses belonging to him. At their expense.

The accused will be taken to Veria's criminal lawyer with a case registered against him.

The minor girls were examined in the presence of a child psychologist on Thursday afternoon (25.04.24), statements were taken from the parents of the minors, while the preliminary investigation into the incident was conducted by DA. Noosas”.

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