Survived by: Stavroula Chrysaeidi “Pins” Maria Antona

He returns with a new episode tonight, Sunday 3/17 Survivor 2024Players are ready for a new challenging battle arena.

Just before the start of the match, Stavroula Chrysaeidi Speaking to the camera, he already left spikes for Survivor, Marilina and the two faces that left her. Maria Antona.

“Every time a candidate leaves, I can't understand why he has to say something bad or something about another player. Maria (S.S. Antonas) did that too and I don't like it at all,” Stavrula Krizidi said at the beginning. said.

And he continued: “Other players have usually done it. But for me, when a player leaves, I think the right thing to do is to look back a little bit on the good things he experienced in the game. Not in a bad way. I don't like Marilyn's reference to James, because James never says “Oh, I saw her in my dreams, I hope she's safe and sound.” But he voted for him because objectively he was less competitive than the other players.”

“I mean, James is not mad at James for you to say that he wants to leave Marilyn. So I think this comment is a little bit wrong,” concluded Stavrula Crisaidy.

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