Students should also prepare for war

Schools are responsible To prepare students in the context of civil defense and the possibilities of warsaid the German Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watchinger through FDP, causing strong reactions.

“The whole community is essential Be properly prepared for crises – from an epidemic to natural disasters and war,” said Minister Funke in an interview with group newspapers. “Civil security is very important and has a place in schools. Our aim should be to strengthen our resilience,” Stark-Wachinger added In support of conducting civil defense drills in schoolsEven citing Britain as an example.

“Disaster drills are part of everyday life and we can learn from them. “Young people must be aware of threats to their freedom and be able to deal with the risks, and schools have an obligation to highlight the risks in an age-appropriate way, but also to help overcome anxiety and fear,” he emphasized. , this is a new It clarifies that the content will not be a subject, but should be added to what is already there.The Minister of Education also invited schools in Germany To develop a “loose” relationship with the armed forces, along with visiting officials, they will undertake to explain what the Bundeswehr is doing to protect citizens. However, in response to a question on the matter, he rejected suggestions regarding the reinstatement of conscription. “It was removed because it was no longer considered constitutionally acceptable,” he pointed out, “and attention should not be diverted from what is really necessary at this time, which is for the Bundeswehr to be able to defend itself.”

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Stark-Wächinger was supported by Rhea Schröder, the education representative of the FDP.

“Children and young people need to prepare for crises and conflicts at school. How do we react when a crisis occurs? Learn first aidAccording to Schröder, the head of the German Teachers' Association, Stephan Dull, “it is the school's duty to honestly convey to children and young people the challenges of the times, including crises and wars. We must not forget: young people with war experiences are already in many classrooms of our schools: from Syria, Afghanistan or Ukraine.” He said. However, he also emphasized that it is not considered appropriate to conduct civil defense exercises in schools. On the Social Democratic Party (SPD) side, Christine Streichert-Kleevot, head of the Länder's Conference of Education Ministers, called the Federal Education Minister's proposal “too restrictive”. “Children and young people need to prepare more broadly for the future.

If the past few years have taught us anything, it's that crisis isn't the only thing we need to be prepared for. Epidemics, wars, natural disasters, climate change, profound changes in society and economy…” Ms. Streichert-Clevot said.

Stark-Wächinger “With the modest results of the PISA survey, more attention should be paid to the basic structures of the education system. Progress is urgently needed on many educational issues. But not inciting fear with militant rhetoric,” said Kai Gehring (Greens), head of the Bundestag's education committee.

In the same vein, Heidi Reisinek, head of the Left's parliamentary group, called for more investment in education and closing teacher gaps. Instead of instilling fear of war in schools, the Education Minister should focus on this,” he said.

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Source: RES-MPE

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