SYRIZA: The party's candidates for the European elections have been announced

Counting of the votes of the members and friends of the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance who participated in the referendum for the nomination of 35 candidates to be included in the party's ballot in view of the European elections was completed after 18:00 on Monday 9 June (15/4).

The process was considered a complete success as more than 63,000 members and friends of the party participated either through online voting or through direct voting.

The SYRIZA-Progressive coalition's list of 35 candidates for the European ballot includes the following MEP candidates, in alphabetical order, by region.

IF. Macedonia-Thrace

1) Katsiani Aklaya
2) Stogiannis gregoris


1) Kounalakis Antonios
2) Maumsi Iphigenia


1) Athanasio Marios
2) Antonaros Evangelos
3) Male Eugenia (Genie)
4) Mirto bread
5) Pecatoro Sofia
6) Panopoulos Dimitris
7) Papadimitriatis Dimitris
8) Papanotas Dimitris
9) Papas Nicholas
10) Anastasia Soap
11) Tsipras Georgios
12) Faranturis Nicolas

Aegean – North

Screaming sugar


Yanaka Akaterini

Western Greece

1) Caragiorco-Lazari Margarita
3) Molonis Spyridon

Western Macedonia

Telegeorido Olympia


Katsis Marios


1) Tritchelli panagiota
2) Martio Georgios
3) Halabanita Cristina

Ionian Islands

Aravantinos-Simonettos Charalambos

Central Macedonia

1) Augeri Theodora (Dora)
2) Nuscalis georgios
3) Doumanidis Antonios
4) Sambasi Theodora (Dora)


1) Caludiotti Maria
2) Kasselakis Vasilios


Priftaki Caterini

Central Greece

Papageropoulos of Knossos

Greece has the right to elect 21 MEPs in the 2024 European elections as part of the 2024 European Parliament elections.

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