The first reaction of Giorgos Mazonakis’ sister to the insurance proceedings against him

On Friday morning, Stamadina Simsili and her colleagues spoke on the Happy Day program about the legal dispute between two brothers, George and Vasso Masonakis.

Stamadina Simtsili characteristically described the close relationship the two brothers had in the past as “a shadow of Vasso Giorgos Masonakis” and that she did not know what happened next and changed the situation between them.

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He announced the intentions of both parties, but also his sister’s response to the singer’s security measures for property matters.

What does the Giorgos Mazonakis side say?

“It is not the intention of both George and Mr. Mantas to further publicize this case at this time. Since the leak, George wants to protect his sister’s personal information. It is not George’s intention to engage with his sister in courtrooms or on television panels. They are interested in an out-of-court settlement, an out-of-court settlement, so that “They should not come to court. The aim of Giorgos Masonakis is to protect the family,” the presenter revealed.

Page of Vasos Masonakis

Regarding the side of Vassos Masonakis, Stamadina Simsili stressed: “The side of Vassos Masonakis, through his lawyer Theolokos Zisimos, says that he is waiting. Injunctions have been filed, they will be investigated, and from there they will draw the line of defense they want. However, they are not ready to take the line immediately.. .They are in a state of waiting without saying anything for or against.

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