THESSALONIKI: Ouzo is owned by a 55-year-old man who punched the chef for a short souvli.

New information has come out about the attack on the ouzo bar in Menemeni, Thessaloniki, during a short dress.

The 55-year-old man's lawyer spoke to Mega A 65-year-old chef was stabbed in the stomach He reported on the violence in Thessaloniki.

This was said by the counsel for the accused His client was the owner of Ossory in Menameni some time ago along with the woman in front of the incident. However, for tax reasons, he transferred the store to the woman. After some time, the store changed hands again, and the woman transferred it to a third person.

Thessaloniki: A History of the Attack During Kontosovli

The reason for the knife attack in Thessaloniki was a portion of Kontosouvli, which did not satisfy the ouzo customer.. After being discharged, the victim of the violent attack spoke to the Star about his journey. “I live by a miracle,” the 65-year-old said.

“Here is the knife. It's three points. I might have agios,” said the 65-year-old chef, showing off his bruises.

“He tells me I want shorts and he says shorts today? I say “Diligence, I said it at the beginning”. He tells me that today? Yes, again. “Oh, no,” he says. He started swearing at his mother, he started swearing at the boss's mother, everything that came out of his mouth, and I was like, 'Damn, you don't swear at my mother. I'm 65 years old, have some respect, I see you've been drinking but stop.'' “He doesn't stop, he grabs the fork and he does the fork like people who are going to fight,” the chef said of what preceded the stabbing he received.

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The 65-year-old managed to wrestle the fork from the accused Then the mysterious person attacked him with a knife. “He does something like that with his whole soul. I mean, like he throws himself on dead meat. I've never seen someone like that before. This image stays in my eyes. I can't get her out. It's what I think of every time I see a knife. I don't eat with a knife anymore, I only eat with a spoon,” said the chef from Thessaloniki.

Thessaloniki stabbing suspect surrenders

On Tuesday, the 52-year-old accused was wanted, He appeared with his lawyer at the Thessaloniki prosecutor's office where he was arrested.

After the incident, the 65-year-old was taken to hospital where he underwent surgery, while the 52-year-old escaped and was searched by authorities. A case of attempted murder was registered against him.

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