Tsipras is prime minister of the GPO investigation

Its a total reset Alexis Tsipras According to one survey, the centre-left leader in the role of progressive is preferred by voters. GPOto the newspaper “Parapolitics”.

In particular, on the question of who will lead the center-left, the former prime minister and leader of SYRIZA PS was the first to cut the cord. Alexis TsiprasTrailing by a narrow margin with 16%, the leader of PASOK – Movement for Change, Nikos Androlakis with a percentage of 13.4%.

Third in line comes the leader of SYRIZA PS. Stefanos Kassalakis Following the mayor of Athens with a percentage of 10.5%, Harry Doukas The only autocracy to dominate with 5.4% is the New Left’s KO leader, Alexis Haritzis 5% and MP of PASOK – KINAL, Manolis Christodoulakis with 4.6%.

However, in the same survey, 52.6% of respondents believed that none of them could succeed as Prime Minister; Kiriakos Mitsotakis45% answered “I don’t know” regarding the search for the right person to lead the center-left.

At the same time, as the GPO survey points out, the people who lead the center-left with a progressive base have little penetration outside of their parties’ voters.

In addition to the question “Who do you think has the best chance of defeating Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the next national election”O comes first Stefanos Kassalakis With a percentage of 56%, continuously Alexis Tsipras “No” with a percentage of 31.4% and “No” with a percentage of 8.5%.

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