Crete: Mourning at funeral of 17-year-old boy who fell from bridge – Metropolis not allowed to read Gospel

17-year-old Nicoletta’s last words in Crete are countless tears.

However, as reports, the decision of the Metropolitan of Petra and Heronisos not to read the Gospel has caused a social outcry. There is much fury and anger as this approach is argued to be particularly harsh and does not set a good example.

Heraklion: “I know she definitely didn’t commit suicide,” reveals 17-year-old’s sister

Scenes of drama in Crete: 17-year-old schoolgirl’s sister and mother go to bridge [εικόνες]

Meanwhile, the family may deny the version of suicide, but the Hersonissos Police Department has, on forensic grounds, classified the case as suicide.

Research by EL.AS. For bullying complaints

At the same time, the Hersonissos Police Department will investigate the 17-year-old’s relatives, and in particular his sister, Nicoletta, who were verbally bullied at school in public and in reports.

These reports are about the behavior of a teacher and some of the girl’s classmates.

In consultation with a competent advocate, guidelines will be given to take reports and investigate complaints related to the bowling unit.

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