Deadline for postal voting ends

It keeps increasing Enrollment rate Voters for Postal ballot As the relevant deadline approaches, tomorrow is Monday.

from 3,000 to 4,000 Where there were daily registrations in the previous period, the number has risen to over 10,000 registrations per day in the past week, resulting in the strengthening of the support office on the 24th – working on an hourly basis, 7 days a week – at the Ministry of Home Affairs.

According to official data, as of yesterday (Saturday, April 27) afternoon, more than 157,000 Greek citizens had registered on the relevant electronic platform to vote by mail in the June 9 European elections. Of these, approximately 116,000 live in Greece, while 41,100 live in 115 countries. The number of registered foreign voters is significantly higher than the 2023 general election, for which almost 23,000 people registered to vote in person, up from around 18,000 in May and 15,600 in June.

8 out of 10 immigrants live in European countries (34,580 – 84.1%), approximately 4,290 from North and Central America (10.4%), 870 from Asian countries (2.1%), 400 from Africa (1%), and 215 from South American countries. (0.5%) and 745 (1.8%) from Oceania.

Country-wise, the majority of registrations come from residents Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Belgium And Netherlands. Immigrants living in countries where polling stations were not set up in last year's parliamentary elections will also be able to vote in the June elections, as they did not meet the required numbers. This includes Angola, The BotswanaThe zambia, The Papua New Guinea, The Djibouti, The Barbados Islands, The Ghana, The El Salvador, The Ivory Coast K.

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The same data also show that for Greek data, interest in the voting system is high among all age groups. Voters aged 17 to 30 and 31 to 40 correspond to 31.8% of registered voters. Citizens aged 41 to 50 and 51 to 60 accounted for 38.2%, and those over 61 accounted for 30.1%.

Please note that registrations are by application via and the websites of the Ministries of Home Affairs and External Affairs.

As the deadline closes on Monday at 23:59 Greece time, those interested who have not registered hurry up. In order not to be surprised, foreigners should take into account the time difference between their place of residence and their country of birth. For example, the deadline for residents of Los Angeles and Vancouver ends one minute at 2:00 PM local time, in New York and Toronto at 5:00 PM, in Britain at 10:00 PM, and in Central Europe (France, Germany, Austria, Spain, etc.) at 23:00 at 05:00 on Tuesday in Beijing and two hours later in Australia.

Voters who face difficulties using the system can contact the Citizen Service Center (CSC) or the competent Greek consular office to register on the special voter list for postal voting.

Any questions will be answered in the fields “More Information” The “Problem Statement” On the platform, 24 hours a day by calling +30 210 626 6222 or by contacting the local KEP and the competent Greek consular officer residing abroad.

Voters in Greece enter the platform exclusively through Taxisnet using their unique codes. Greeks living abroad and without Taxisnet codes can complete the certification with the combined use of data from a Greek passport and Greek police identity card (as long as both are valid) or passport and tax registration number. .

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In May the election file will be sent by courier by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The receipt must be made by the voter or by a third party expressly authorized to receive it, with a valid signature visa via or by a public authority.

The voter will be informed about the sending of the file through e-mail and an electronic link to follow its progress (tracking).

The file includes a postal vote return file, a ballot paper that is identical to all parties, an anonymous ballot file, an instruction form, a list of candidates and an application – a declaration of responsibility to be completed.

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