February 28 strike: demands

It's been a year since the tragic accident in Tempe that claimed 57 livesAnd unions, unions and confederations are going on a massive 24-hour strike today to demand justice.

The ADEDY declared 24-hour general strike, labor centers across the country, hundreds of unions and confederations will engage in strikes and protest rallies. “A year later, those responsible for the tragedy have not been held accountable» she insists in the call. “A year later here we are again on the streets, shouting together that we will not forget. We will continue to fight to hold those responsible accountable and to quash any attempt to cover up liability.» he insists. The ADEDY The rally has been called for 11:00 a.m. Clythemonos Square.

A notification has also been published Everyone. Teachers participate in a 24-hour strike in Athens. At 11:00 in Klathmonos Square.

It was also decided to participate in the strike Federation of Banking Organizations of Greece (ΟΟΕ). “On February 28 we strike for our lives!”, mention in their motto.

They participate in the strike Air traffic controllers, so no flights to and from Greece Airport will operate during the day. Only flights covered by the current legal framework will be served, i.e. Air Transport, Special Flights and Overhaul Flights.

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“Colleagues, colleagues,

February 28, 2024 marks one year since the Tempe crime. A year on, those responsible for the tragedy are yet to be held accountable for their crimes that led to the death of 57 fellow citizens – most of them young children – and left their families in mourning. A year later here we are back on the streets, all shouting together that we will never forget. We will continue to fight to hold those responsible accountable and to quash any attempt to cover up liability.

Colleagues, Colleagues,

The new democratic government recruits workers into public works Jokes that he paid 38-42 Euros net for the month from 1-1-24. Finance Minister Mr. Hadzidakis, ND's MEP candidate appears more boldly in the broadcasts. (otherwise a journalist) and other media and states that the average net increase for civil servants in 2024 will be 1,425 euros. He says that all the employees in the state were not ashamed when they got their pay slips and saw the mockery with their own eyes.

Fourteen years later, our salaries have been cut by 40%, gifts have been abolished, 2% solidarity tax has been imposed, the two-year 16-17 freeze has been cut, tax exemptions have been cut, the government is fueling with crumbs its income policy and leading public sector workers into poverty and destitution.

A newly appointed teacher is asked to live in the islands with a rent of 350-500 euros per month and is paid a net 734 euros per month. A nurse with 680 euro net. The same applies to other categories of government employees. The government does not have money for civil servants, but it does have money for its agents and private individuals. GOVERNORS OF PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS – FOR HIS OWN CHILDREN – HE RAISED 76% PER MONTH !!!

There is money. They are simply shared on a daily basis.

Colleagues, Colleagues,

Against this environment, we must all unite, unite and act strong!

On February 28, we strike with workers in the private sector (many labor centers and confederations of the private sector have decided to strike on the same day) with a central slogan:

«Our Lives Over Their Profits – A Wage Raise To Live With Dignity»

We demand a life with rights, we demand a job with a real salary.

We demand:

  • 10% horizontal increase in salary of public servantsIn order to basically address accuracy and inflation.
  • Restore here and now gifts.
  • Collective agreements for wages.
  • Removal of wage freeze Biennial 2016-2017.
  • Abolition of 2% tax In favor of unemployment.
  • Tax-free increase 12,000 Euros.
  • Increase in allowance Unhealthy work.
  • Immediate staffing with permanent staffing Development of all critical public systems and all necessary infrastructure”.

Strike February 28: No metro, ISAP and trams – how MMM will move

They will participate in the strike 7 Unions of Employees of Stationary Orbiters, therefore, In Athens the metro, electricity (ISAP) and trams will be without 24 hours. The 24-hour strike at MMM also affects the suburbs, according to a decision by the Panhellenic Railway Federation and labor unions.

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Unions participating in the strike:

  • STASY Staff Union
  • STASY (SET) Workers Union of Trams and Urban Stationary Vehicles
  • Union of conductors and other transport employees in STASY SA (SIEK).
  • Station Masters' Union – First Line
  • Electric Tram Conductors Association of Attica (SITA)
  • Attica Metro Conductors Union (SIAM)
  • Athens Metro Operation Control Center Employees Association (SEKELMA)

The unions said in their joint statementThe strike was decided as a mark of respect and honor to the memory of the victims, On the one year anniversary of the Tempe tragedy.

Unions say:

  • Immediate recruitment
  • New and modern rolling stock
  • Continuous improvement of all existing electronic security systems
  • Continuous retraining of all employees
  • Safety of workers at workplace
  • Installation of modern security systems in national and urban network
  • Revision or provision of operation and maintenance procedures
  • Integrating workers engaged in heavy and unsanitary industries

«We who work daily for safe means of stable orbit, shout it, shout it Above all, the safety of passengers and workers in vehicles “takes priority without any compromise”.“Insisting on Labor Unions” cFor the railway family, February 28 strike is a day of remembrance of our 57 fellow men and a day of struggle for better and safer railways in all respects..

Their participation is remembered as Taxi drivers have also announced a strikeAccording to the SATA (Attica Taxi Drivers Union) decision, they will go on strike for 48 hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 27 and 28.

Buses and Trolleys on Wednesday (28/02). They stop work from the start of shift till 09:00 AM and from 21:00 PM till the end of shift. Hence, they operate only at 9 am. to 9 p.m. (traffic will be restored by 10:00 a.m. or later, vehicles will leave the depots at 8:30 a.m., and the last services are expected to leave the starting points at 20:00 p.m.).

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Rail (ISAP) and Suburban will participate in the 24-hour strike «On the one hand to honor the memory of the victims of the tragic accident at Tempe and on the other hand to send a message – above all to the railway staff about the safety of passengers and staff above all.As the employees mentioned in their notification.

Air traffic controllers have also decided to go on a 24-hour strikeThis means all scheduled flights will be cancelled The ships are docked at the ports of Piraeus, Rafina and Lavrio.

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