The end of the phone call and diplomacy between Biden and Netanyahu

In less than 45 minutes, the US president made three specific demands of Israel Netanyahu could not give

An Israeli drone strike inside Gaza and the death of seven foreign nationals escalates developments on the military and diplomatic fronts much faster than Israel would like. The Israeli Prime Minister would not have answered the phone call between Biden and Netanyahu if he could, but today he does not have that “luxury” and after all he has no choice. Joe Biden, though not mentioned in the announcement, sought and apparently received an assurance that the United States would immediately receive, without any cuts, the evidence that led to the tragedy that led to the deaths of seven foreign nationals. Netanyahu has been subpoenaed and has refused to provide the drone's recordings and conversations between management and the operator of the weapon so that there is no “shadow” and no blurring of who is responsible.

In strong fashion

With an intense and almost one-sided debate leaking out of the White House, the President of the United States decided to act in a very tense situation when he asked another senator to deliver a speech in front of open microphones in the Capitol. On Netanyahu: “Come to Jesus” is the answer and such “don't turn back” was yesterday's communication between the two leaders.

But today Biden is asking Israel's prime minister again. Help. The pressure Biden is experiencing within America on this particular issue is that even the country's First Lady, Jill, seems to have spoken to him about it. Joe Biden demanded absolute stability in the protection of members of humanitarian organizations, not in value, but in hierarchy, which is secondary, trying to provide an answer to the hunger that invades citizens today.

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For at least five months, Netanyahu has done nothing to signal to his biggest ally that he wants to take a different path on the war and the Hamas issue. The Netanyahu government continues to “shout” that the war will end only if Israel says so, and that the fate of the 1.6 million civilians inside the area is not a national issue. If Netanyahu doesn't agree with this, it is certain that he has become a “puppet” of his personal ambition.

Social discontent

To “tie” his compelling narrative, Biden appears to have officially put both financial and military aid to Tel Aviv on the table. It's a fact that this scenario isn't new, nor is anyone “falling off the clouds” upon hearing it: but when Joe Biden says it, it means it's in the final stages of implementation. If Israel persists in an approach where the military appears to have not received instructions from a political superior, and implements a plan to “move out” Rafah in the south, it could soon lead to a new provocation. Israeli society. Social discontent and anger are almost certain to grow in the country if Israelis continue to suffer economic problems in the coming period… Added to this are widespread fears within Israel of retaliation from Tehran after the latest airstrikes. The Iranian embassy in Damascus has since returned nothing…

At the end of the trip, the United States will not allow the people of Israel to become pawns of the ayatollahs, but will stop pretending to be the government of that country. What happened between Biden and Netanyahu late yesterday was the end of diplomacy between them.

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